How to clean PCBs?
Printed circuit boards tend to accumulate dust and occasionally come in contact with any liquid. By witnessing a lot of abuse, the dust and dirt elements tend to penetrate the e-book readers, cell phones, and other handheld devices. Exposure to such elements tends to corrode the solder joints, with the potential to damage the circuit.
A varied number of contaminants have the ability to isolate tiny components on the board while preventing the optimum amount of heat loss while leaving them being overheated.
Cleaning a PBC is an extremely fragile process, similar to making one. It can not only dampen the connections but also loosen the materials when any wrong clean method is employed. In order to get rid of the pitfalls, it is recommended to seek expertise in selecting the right service and method.
By partnering with the right PCB cleaning service provider, you can simplify the cleaning procedure better.
Types of Contaminants that makes PCB dirty:
Before we get into exploring the ways to clean a PCB, it is mandatory to know the shortcomings that lead you to attain clean electronic circuit boards.
Dry contaminants:
This is one of the most common kinds of dirt or dust which tends to get accumulated in and around the PCB. You can use a small and dainty brush to clean the dirt. The perfect example of such a brush is a horsehair paintbrush that helps you get rid of the dust without affecting the components. There are significant limitations to where the brush can reach.
Compressed air can reach significant places; however, it can even dampen the vital connections. This is why it is a must to handle it with care.
Additionally, specially designed vacuum cleaners are necessary for electronic components and are a great option to clean the surroundings. However, it fails to reach everywhere.
Wet contaminants:
Another significant type of contaminants is wet contaminants, where any high-temperature operations can lead to causing a few components that are coated in waves to be magnets for dirt and dust. This, on the contrary, makes the grime a lot stubborn while failing to get it removed with the help of a vacuum or a brush. The product can also get a bath of sticky soda, which of course, can make the board a bit messy. Thus, overall, the substances need to be tackled well before it tends to build up while affecting performance.
Most of this grime can be essentially removed with the help of a cleaning agent, such as isopropyl alcohol. You can also make use of a small brush, a Q tip, along with a clean cotton cloth. You can also clean a PCB with the help of a solvent like an IPA. However, make sure that you get this done only in a well-vented environment. It is ideal for getting it done under a fume hood.
Moreover, demineralized water can be essentially used as an alternative. It is a must to remove any excess moisture while drying the board well. There are varied significant commercially available PCB cleaning agents, apart from IPA, which can be explored as well. These range from acetone to chemicals that are utilized for cleaning electronics.
There are distinctive kinds of cleaning agents that ideally address the different types of contaminants, including wax or solder flux. It is mandatory to keep in mind that any harsh cleaning agent can remove the markings while causing potential damage to the electrolytic capacitor jackets. It can also pose damage to exotic components such as humidity sensors.
Hence, it is a must to ensure that you are not using any kind of cleaning agent, which is way too strong. If you can test the cleaner on any connector or any old component, you can be sure of doing more good than causing any harm.
How Do You Clean Circuit Boards?
Cleaning a PCB effectively depends on making use of the right tools and methods. Here is a detailed idea of how to clean a circuit board.
- Baking soda
- Distilled water
- Household cleaners
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Compressed air
- A soft brush and cloth
Baking soda:
This is one of the most effective means to get rid of grime with causing minimal risk and damage to the PCB. Combining mild abrasive qualities helps to efficiently remove corrosion or any residue that will not come off. Hence, baking soda is an excellent product for treating corrosion, as it helps to dissolve the area while neutralizing the quality of the residue.
Distilled water:
This is one of the best cleaning solutions over any other liquid form. This is primarily because of the absence of ions conductive to electric devices. The water is mild and does not dampen any electronic devices, with being a poor conductor. It can get contaminated quickly with the help of dirt being found on the hands or in the surrounding air. Hence, it is recommended to seal the reserve of distilled water when not in use. Moreover, do not forget to avoid making contact with your hands.
Household cleaner:
Any cleaner free of phosphate can be regarded as a suitable cleaner for PCB. The phosphates can be efficient in protecting the board against any corrosion while comprising suitable cleaning properties. Since the 1970s, companies have been seen adopting cleaners to clean the PCBs.
Isopropyl alcohol:
This is deemed a great cleaner for PCB as it gets evaporated quickly and is also inexpensive. As compared to any other cleaners, alcohol comprises extremely few chemicals. It is essential to clean the board with this component to attain 90% efficiency. However, it is mandatory to ensure that any high percentage can further lead to causing adverse effects. Make sure you do not touch with your bare hands; instead, handle it only while wearing goggles and latex gloves.
Compressed air:
Compressed air provides a great way to free up the dust resting on the electronics and inside the machines. You can use short bursts to spray the air within the ports conveniently.
Machines for Cleaning Printed Circuit Boards:
Ultrasonic PCB cleaning:
These machines make most of the high-frequencies to cause cavitations. It leads to the implosion of a million bubbles in a single minute. These bubbles are created with the help of transducers which are bonded to the bottom. This implosion results in the bubbles blasting away the contaminants on the surface of the cleaning area. The cleaning method can efficiently reach the hard-to-reach places and clean them well.
PCB Ultrasonic cleaners:
These machines can produce from 25 kHz to 100+ kHz. Any low frequency can lead to causing larger cavitations bubbles, as compared to high frequencies. The higher the frequencies used, the better the polish of the surfaces.
Call to action:
If all of these seem incredibly daunting for you and you seem overwhelmed with the processes, it is recommended to get in touch with Absolute Electronic Services to receive a professional cleaning service with the right PCB cleaning methods. You must get in touch through an email or a phone call to acquire cleaning and repair services for the PCBs which witness a lot of abuse from contaminants. With the assistance of the finest, you can receive an expert cleaning service at a cost-effective price.
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