How much does the PCB Assembly cost?
Cost of PCB Assembly
PCB is one of the primary ingredients that are used for making electronic devices of any kind. It is the PCB that decides how many functionalities the device is going to deliver to its end users. Simply put, it is the modular form of the internal connections among various cards, capacitors, etc. that are used for accomplishing the functional objectives of any device. Thus, manufacturing requires exceptional expertise, attention, and practice. All these virtues, in some or the other way, add to the cost of PCB assembly.
To keep the cost of any device within an affordable range, one needs to take care of PCB manufacturing cost. The orders received for manufacturing PCBs are expected to be significant in size. It is, in a manner, helpful for controlling the cost involved. So, let’s understand various kinds of expenses that apply to the process of manufacturing PCBs and find out if there are any ways available to reduce these.
Factors contributing to PCB board cost
Manufacturing PCBs require labor, expertise, and efficiency in performance. These requirements raise the need for the makers who are expert in this job. Let’s see the breakup of various costs that add to the overall printed circuit board cost.
Labor Costs
The cost of labor varies according to the location. In some areas, the labor is cheap, but that is not the case in others. The places where labor cost is higher can, therefore, work as an essential factor that impacts the printed circuit board cost appreciably. So, if the PCB manufacturing base is at the high labor cost location, its cost will be higher accordingly; the reverse is valid for the places where labor is cheap. So, if you are trying to get a PCB made at low cost, you must understand the market of the location where it is based. You little shopping about the place can help you find a cost-effective alternative. Having said that, if the manufacturing base is located too far from the place where it is required for adding into the device, the cheap labor cost can get set off against the transportation cost. Thus, both the factors, such as the location of manufacturing and that of application should be considered.
Quantity or Order size
A PCB is a backend component that is to be used inside a device. Since making it is a specialized job and does require the place as well as expert people, getting it manufactured in just one or two pieces is not a wise or feasible decision. The bases where these PCBs are manufactured have to take care of permanent costs. The people required for the job can also add to its cost-effectiveness as more PCBs per person can justify the salary given to the makers. Hence, bigger size orders will attract less PCB cost per piece basis than the smaller orders.
Technology and PCB fabrication cost
The technology used for making PCBs affect its cost to quite some extent. If the technology is too automated but has low set-up cost, it can result in a low cost of PCBs. SMT or surface mount technology is on high demand, but this has to be complemented by the soldering styles as well. Some PCBs that have components having varying degrees of resistance to the heat require a selective soldering method. In other or more routine cases, laser and press-fit technologies are used. Of these technologies, press-fit is found to be most cost-effective. The role of technology in deciding the cost depends upon the following factors:
- How safe it is for all the components required to be set
- How easy or complicated the floor space arrangement’s requirement is
- If it promotes the use of cost-effective setting tools, etc.
Thus, to know how technology will promote a safer arrangement of the components on the board, one has to take into account how these react to heat and other external factors. Any of the parts in the damaged state can sabotage the working of the device, which may affect the manufacturer’s reputation severely.
Turnaround Time
A quicker turnaround means higher costs. It is because it requires prioritizing the order, which requires making changes in the production line, that in turn, costs high. Secondly, shorter turnaround time means the transportation has to be done on an urgent basis and in smaller lots. It implies paying more for transportation, thereby pushing the cost of the PCB on a higher side.
Parts Packaging of PCBs
How complicated the packing procedure is, determines the cost involved. There are certain PCBs with electrical pins that require testing using X-rays, for affirmation of the goodness of correction. It shoots up the cost required for making arrangements for X-ray tests. Some parts have considerably higher assembly costs, which can, too, be a cause of high PCB price.
How To Save Money On PCB Assembly
Let’s not get disheartened by reading about the costs above. There are certainly some ways one can employ for making the PCBs cost-effective. These ways are:
PCB Design
Optimal designing is an easy way of reducing the cost of a PCB. The design should have everything yet in reasonable values, to help serve the most critical purposes. A simple design is more comfortable to achieve and cost-effective too. Layered design can be on the costlier side. The arrangement of vias matters too. Buried via vs. blind via needs serious introspection while choosing between the two.
Order Time & Quantity
Order well in advance and high quantity. It gives you more freedom to negotiate. Also, by achieving economies of scale, you will be saving more on big orders.
Comprehensive Bill of Materials
The bill of materials must be designed to the last component that goes into the making. A checklist can help have a sufficiently comprehensive bill. There should be mention of replacement parts too.
Having said all of this, there should be no shortcut for inspection and testing. A tight design inspection and testing plan can save a lot of embarrassment later and also may help avoid customer dissatisfaction, which is a way more crucial thing to be worried about than PCB board price. Absolute Electronics(sales@AbsolutePCBAssembly.com) can be your trusted and reliable source of PCB assembly needs.