The Role of Copper Weight in PCB Fabrication
Printed Circuit Boards are one of the most useful components for electronic gadgets. Without PCBs, you cannot think of the proper functioning of your electronics. Durable and compact PCBs do not make your electronic devices look bulky. In most high-current power systems, you can notice the use of PCBs. From 3D printers to smartphones, everything has PCBs.
Copper is one of the elements found in the PCB assembly. A PCB comprises several layers, including traces, substrates, silkscreen, and solder mask. However, copper is an important element applied for fabricating PCBs. It plays a role in transferring signals. Now, the question is-
Should you maintain the proper copper weight to fabricate PCB?
Before discussing this topic, you have to know why you should use copper for your board.
Copper is the best thermal and electric conductor with better heat transfer capacity. It reduces the risk of damage to your PCB. You can avoid the problem of inconsistent heating. Moreover, due to high electric conductivity, copper transmits signals without affecting electricity.
Copper has a high thermal resistance level, and it has the best current-carrying potential to make your electronic device more reliable. Furthermore, the heat transfer capability helps in the installation of heat sinks on the surface. These are some reasons for using copper in the fabrication of your PCB assembly.
PCBs and copper weight
Copper weight is the most significant factor while designing different types of PCBs. Based on your PCB designing needs, you have to identify copper weight. You can find several options while choosing copper weights for developing PCBs. Some engineers are highly confused, and they cannot think of how they will decide on the right copper weight to design their circuit boards. The most important thing is that the choice of copper weight may have an effect on the overall process of fabricating the PCB assembly. Brief information about it will help you to make the right decision.
You have to focus on the height and thickness of the copper traces to find the right weight. The Gerber files representing copper layers data do not consider the third dimension. You will find the measurement in ounces for every square foot. Thus, 1.0 Oz of copper results in a thickness of about 1.4 mil.
Which devices need heavy copper PCBs?
PCBs containing heavy copper are useful for some power electronics gadgets. They are also best for devices, which need to work under harsh environmental conditions. Higher durability is available with thicker traces that can carry a higher amount of current. There is no need to increase the trace length to an odd level. On the contrary, some PCBs are available with low copper weight, which can achieve the right level of trace impedance. You will not find a very small trace width and length. That is why you have to measure trace width while managing the copper weight.
The standard copper weight found in PCBs is about 1.0 oz. You will find it as the perfect size for most of your projects. However, some engineers think that the initial weight of copper while fabricating PCB needs to be high. While buying copper and deciding on the weight, you have to inform the seller about the plated value of the necessary weight.
Copper weight making a difference to the board’s durability and cost–
When the copper thickness for a PCB is around 3 to 10 oz per ft2, it indicates heavy copper weight. The thicker plating, better copper weight, and proper substrate can make a difference in the board. You can find a long-lasting and highly reliable platform. Some PCBs with heavy copper have copper weights of about 4 oz. to 20 oz per ft2.
Heavy copper weight indicates better conductors, and it will increase the overall thickness of your circuit board. You must focus on the accurate copper thickness while designing the circuit board. The thickness and width of heavy copper can result in a difference in current-carrying potentials.
The heavier copper weight can increase the cost, as you need to use an additional amount of copper. Moreover, the shipping weight also gets increased and raises the cost. The process engineering, labor, Quality Assurance, and time- these factors also make a difference in the cost.
You have to take some additional steps, as you may need time to clad a high amount of copper. The board’s copper weight also causes an effect on the thermal profile. That is why the board can absorb heat very fast while dealing with the soldering process of your PCB assembly.
How much copper is heavy for your PCB?
You cannot find any rule defining the term- heavy copper. According to the industry standards, when there are more than 3 ounces of copper applied for the outer and inner sides of a PCB, it is referred to as a heavy copper circuit board. The highest amount of copper found in some PCBs is about 200 oz per ft2.
Are heavy copper PCBs advantageous?
The heavy copper boards have the potential to endure a high amount of current, repeated thermal cycling, and high-temperature level. These factors may damage the low copper boards.
The presence of copper in the board increases the tolerance capacity of PCB. When you need to use the circuit board for industrial products, you have to use a heavy copper PCB. The heavy copper weight in a particular layer of circuitry keeps the board safe. In most cases, products in the aerospace and defense industry need heavy copper PCB. There is another advantage with a heavy copper PCB. The copper-plated vias help in passing the high level of current through your board. It helps in the heat transfer to the outer heat sink.
It can be concluded that PCBs containing a high amount of copper are useful for different purposes, like planar transformers, high power distribution, heat dissipation, and power converters. These boards are also important for your computer systems, industrial controls, automotive industry, and military sector. Nowadays, heavy copper boards are also useful for power converters, welding devices, and solar panels Installers. Based on the design-related needs, you may need to pay a higher amount for your copper-cladded PCBs.