PCB Trace-Everything You Need To Know
PCB and power circuits are the two central pillars of electrical equipment that we see these days. Many people don’t know that PCB trace is nothing but a network of wiring, copper, and other types of insulation that form a part of the board.
But why is PCB trace such an important thing? Well, one of the prime reasons for the PCB trace to hold importance is due to the number of inconsistencies that show up in the final completed boards. Many of the time, what people do is try to fix the same without having prior knowledge of the calculations to perform.
Thus, in the blog below, we will cover everything from circuit board trace, thickness, and width calculator in detail.
What Is PCB Trace?
As discussed above, PCB trace is nothing but a series of combinations that are present on the circuit board. Just like the current, the trace is an inevitable part of the PCB combinations and helps solve the anomalies easily.
Printed circuit boards are one of the most used components in an electronic device. Today such is the scenario that they form an integral part of every gadget that you see. Thus, it becomes very crucial to know how the trace shall be arranged.
If not, it might just add to the already caused errors and also result in lots of time and resources to get it fixed. So, to prevent the same mistake again and also to save time, it is viable to get hands-on a bunch of functions and formulas to get the job done.
PCB Trace in Thickness:
One thing all of us know is that irrespective of whatever we may say or do, the significance of PCB can never be undermined. These form the backbone of all modern electrical equipment, and thus the thickness of the circuits holds enormous importance in the overall design process.
What many people do not know is that the thickness of the board is the gravity that holds everything together, and ignoring it might have serious consequences. Today in the market, different types of PCB are available, namely single-sided, double-sided, and multi-layered.
If we take a look at the thickness portion, then the common range is between 0.008 to 0.240 inches. For your clear understanding, you can also take a look at the table below:
PCB Trace Width Calculator:
Just like the thickness, the PCB trace width is also an essential component in the design parameter of the board. And to have a high-functioning board, it is important to have an overall idea of a correct trace width.
Another key aspect as to why the trace width is critical is due to the current flow. Once you get an idea of the same, you can also check how much current can be transferred to the board without damaging or overheating it.
There are many online tools available today through which you can calculate the circuit board trace. And also, know that the higher the current, the thicker the trace. Below is the formulation for your clear understanding:
The trace width is calculated as follows:
- First, the general area is calculated:
- Area[mils^2] = (Current[Amps]/(k*(Temp_Rise[deg. C])^b))^(1/c)
Then, the Width is calculated:
- Width[mils] = Area[mils^2]/(Thickness[oz]*1.378[mils/oz])
- Also for internal and external layers IPC-2221 with varying value of k, b,c.
Things to Know before calculating the width:
Calculating the trace width is much more complicated. This is because you need to know a few things beforehand like:
- Maximum current, trace thickness, temperature, and ambient temperature of the trace.
- Trace width is always measured in amps, and trace temperature is measure in volts.
Importance of PCB Trace Widths:
We all know that if there is a slight complication in the PCB trace widths, then it starts to affect the fabrication costs. The costs become seemingly higher, and the performance of the device can also be seemingly affected. Therefore here is why PCB trace width plays an important role:
- Having a correct PCB trace width reduces any inconsistency in the device if present.
- The performance of the electronic gadget improves with the correction of the trace.
- An appropriate trace width helps design the parameters of the board.
- Damage and overheating are also prevented if the trace width is optimum.
- Using copper in the PCB reduces electricity loss.
PCB Trace Current:
Printed circuit boards often work on the direct current. This type of current is typically used in the PCB because it works as a power source. Every time a PCB is used, only one type of current flow runs through its wires.
But did you know that both PCB trace current and PCB trace are two different things?Yes, while PCB trace current passes through the wires and powers up any device, PCB trace is the overall sketch of how wiring and other components work on the board.
Also, not many of you know this, but the PCB trace current needs to be recognized and is as important as the width and trace resistance. And if there is no current in any given PCB, there is no power.
The components of the PCB also cannot work well if there is an error in the PCB trace current. So, if you want to get the correct measurement of the trace and width of any given PCB, then the current shall be present.
Key Takeaway:
Now that we have arrived at the end of the blog, here are few key takeaways that shall be kept in mind:
- Getting an overall idea about the PCB trace in advance will help engineers prevent damage.
- PCB circuits use only one source of direct current to function.
- Both PCB trace and PCB trace current are different.
- PCB thickness change with the types of PCB available in the market.
- A correct PCB trace calculation is essential to prevent the overheating of the circuit.
- PCB trace thickness ranges from 0.008 to 0.240 inches.
- PCB trace width can be easily calculated online with the help of the formula.
Every electronic gadget present today is backed up by a high-performing PCB, making it such a ravaging success. Therefore, it is essential to know the tidbits of PCB trace width and current to ensure no complications when we advance further on the designing part.
Now with the help of the online PCB trace width calculator, you can easily make the calculations and corrections in a breeze. Thus, take a look at the maximum amount of current the board can carry to the trace width beforehand and ensure that you are not returning to the drawing board in the future.
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