What is a PIC Microcontroller?

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What is a PIC Microcontroller?

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In today’s technological age, pic microcontrollers are a versatile and efficient tool for all your electronic needs. They are considered to be faster and more effective in executing programs. These pic microcontrollers are suitable for commercial and industrial applications.

A pic controller is an easy-to-use software package. These microcontrollers are also designed to handle a large number of operations at a faster rate.

You can read through this article to understand more about a pic microcontroller, its architecture, and other essential aspects.

An Overview of a PIC Microcontroller

A PIC microcontroller was initially abbreviated as Peripheral Interface Controller. It was originally designed to perform simple control and tasks. However, today, the acronym commonly stands for Programmable Intelligent Computer.

A pic chip is suitable for various tasks and operations in embedded systems. A pic microcontroller consists of various aspects in one single chip. Microchip Technology manufactures these microchips.

The Architecture of a PIC MicroController

The architecture of the pic controller is simple and provides ease of use.

The architecture of a pic microcontroller is based on the RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) model.

The architecture includes the following elements –

  • The CPU
  • The CPU of the PIC microcontroller consists of the following –
  • Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
  • Memory Unit (MU)
  • Control Unit (CU)
  • Accumulator
  • Memory Organization

The memory organization of the PIC microcontroller includes the following –

  1. a) Random Access Memory (RAM):

The RAM consists of two registers – Special Function Registers (SFR) and General Purpose Registers (GPR).

  1. b) Read Only Memory (ROM):

The ROM consists of two kinds of memory – Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) and Flash Memory

  1. c) STACKS

Input/Output Ports

The total number of input and output ports differs from each series of a pic controller. The PIC16 has five ports – A, B, C, D, E


The peripherals of the PIC microcontroller include the following –

  • Timers/Counters
  • Analog to Digital Converters
  • Bus
  • Serial Communication
  • Oscillators
  • CCP Module

The Applications of a PIC Microcontroller

It’s also important to understand the day-to-day applications of these microcontrollers. It allows you to gain a better insight into its capabilities.

PIC microcontrollers are widely used across various industries, such as medicine, aerospace, energy, the Internet of Things, robotics, etc.

The following are some of the areas of application where a pic controller is commonly used –

  • Electronic Appliances
  • Audio and Video Devices
  • Wireless Sensors
  • Home Automation
  • IoT Products
  • Alarm System
  • Traffic Control Systems
  • Sensors
  • Equipment for Diagnosis
  • Smart Metres

The Programming of a PIC Microcontroller

The general way to program a pic controller is as follows –

The first step of programming the pic microcontroller is to develop the code for your microcontroller. The microcontrollers are generally programmed with higher-level languages, such as C, C++, and Java.

The creators of the microcontroller usually provide a software application called the Integrated Development Environment (IDE). They develop this software for you to program your microcontroller and develop a code efficiently and easily.

The software application includes basic tools, such as source-code editors, automation tools, compilers, and debuggers. After you receive the software application, you can write and compile the code for the microcontroller.

After the code is ready, upload it to the microcontroller. An assembler or compiler (XC8 or XC16) is used for this step. This will help convert the higher-level language to optimize it for assembly and to a format the microcontroller can use.

The assembly provides the microcontroller with the necessary instructions to perform certain operations to match the original code. The assembly code can be uploaded to the microcontroller to test its effectiveness.

Now, the next step is to debug the code to ensure there are no errors to be fixed. The debugging process is a vital step to complete the programming of the microcontroller. The code is executed to check whether the program behaves the way it is intended to.

The Advantages of a PIC Microcontroller

The advantages of using a pic microcontroller are as follows –

  • PIC microcontrollers are affordable, which makes them accessible for more people to purchase. You can invest in these microcontrollers without spending too much.
  • They provide ease of use and are simple for people to program and operate. This can be done with the help of C compilers.
  • The performance of PIC microcontrollers is fast and efficient, thanks to the RISC architecture.
  • These microcontrollers’ average power consumption percentage is low compared to other microcontrollers. It is down to nano-watts.
  • PIC is a reliable microcontroller, and the chances of malfunctioning, faults, and errors are low.
  • The programming required for these microcontrollers is very simple and easy compared to the programming level for other microcontrollers.
  • You can connect these pic microcontrollers to other analog devices without any external circuit requirements.

The Disadvantages of a PIC Microcontroller

The disadvantages of using a pic microcontroller are as follows –

  • These microcontrollers can hold only a single accumulator.
  • The program memory of the PIC microcontroller is not very accessible and makes it difficult to utilize.
  • The length of the pic controller program is considered to be quite long. This is due to the use of RISC architecture, which comes with a smaller number of instructions.

How to Choose PIC Microcontrollers

Before investing in a pic chip, knowing the various kinds available is essential. It can help you make a well-informed decision based on your specific needs.

There are various pic microcontrollers available in the market. You can choose from bit lengths – 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit microcontrollers. Consider the memory size, pin count, maximum frequency, peripherals, features offered, etc.


PIC microcontrollers are easy to use, efficient, and affordable. They are widely used in various industrial and commercial fields and are known for their efficiency. These PIC controllers are known for their ability to execute many operations.

There are various kinds of pic microcontrollers available in the market. Choosing a microcontroller based on your specific needs and requirements is important. A reputed PCB or circuit assembly company can help you with expert assistance and support.

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